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Have your advertisement featured in our quarterly Why Not Prosper Magazine.
Our magazine is centered on recovery and substance use disorder; targeted to those who serve or run non-profit organizations. Our magazine subscribers can discover new funding sources where subscribers can submit applications to seek support.
Read our magazine to also stay updated on what is currently happening in our community.
All the content is based in the City of Philadelphia, around criminal justice reform, the formerly incarcerated and social justice issues (e.g. voting, census, mass incarceration, sentencing).
Our magazine is centered on recovery and substance use disorder; targeted to those who serve or run non-profit organizations. Our magazine subscribers can discover new funding sources where subscribers can submit applications to seek support.
Read our magazine to also stay updated on what is currently happening in our community.
All the content is based in the City of Philadelphia, around criminal justice reform, the formerly incarcerated and social justice issues (e.g. voting, census, mass incarceration, sentencing).